Monday 12 March 2012

Fashion Design!

Yay so i got into fashion :) :) woo woo.... and now the work begins.

We have a 3 week project concentrating on pattern. During the weekend we had to take pictures and rubbing of our urban and natural environment. So i took a few walks around town both at home and in limerick looking out for different types of patterns in the environment. Here's some that i found that i thought were really interesting.

<   the radiator in college

a napkin i found lying around my house >

 < a vent from outside the college

A broken window outside the college  >

< a drain that reminds me of a snowflake

railings outside the college >

< this was a window i seen in the library with the pattern squashed in between 2 sheets of glass

 < pattern on the bark of the tree... reminds me of camoflauge

the roof of a house in ashbourne

 < the tyre tracks of a tractor i found in a field near my house

The drain near my house with a diagonal pattern.

Know i have to selected the images carefully to form some sort of theme for tomorrow.


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