Wednesday 30 November 2011

The start of my clock piece....

So I started to sketch a rough idea of creating a clock... the background of the clock will start off smooth and as the time goes on it becomes wrinkled and older looking.
These are a few rough ideas for the base and the numbering of the clock:

I Decided to use the base idea in the top left hand corner of the first picture. 

I got a bag of clay from ceramics and started to mould it into the shape of hands. I had to use wiring underneath to support the weight of the clay.

I'm quite happy with the results as its the first time I've used clay in at least a year.
The only problem with these to hands is that they don't actually stand on their own because all the weight of the clay is leaning to one side... but the insides are hollow as I used wire for support so I'm hoping that by having a stick like support attached to the base it will keep them standing.

Lets hope they don't decide to break in the kiln :)


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