Thursday 10 November 2011

Playing with wax

So I've finally photographed the wax casts that i made of my hand to upload to this :)

To make these all I did was put some melted wax into a cup and swirl it around with a paintbrush to cool it down a bit so that I wouldn't burn my hand and then I literally just poured it onto my hand and let it set.

I tried using Vaseline to protect my hand but the wax didn't stick very well so i ended up getting little to no detail and ended up with cats that looked like nothing.

The best thing about these wax casts i think is the fact the wax harden as it dripped off my hand which makes it look a lot more interest and a lot more like movement.

I casted bot the palm of my hadn't and the back of my hands to try and get different effects and I think they both worked out well.

The bottom picture is a cast of the back of my hand and the way the wax has dripped off the sides of my hands and in between my fingers make it the most interesting.

This was really simple to do but I think it turned out really effective :)


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