Sunday 1 January 2012


Looking at the movement and motion of hands I decided to look at fingerprints. I think the uniqueness of fingerprints are extremely interesting. Every fingerprint is different so i thought this would be a very interesting idea to incorporate into my project. The fluidity of the restless lines are spectacular.

I started off by just investigating the different shapes of each individual fingerprint.

Then I decided to use the same technique as I did with the photocopies of my hands. I cut out the shapes and shone a light through them reflecting them on a white wall.

I think that these are very effective as they change the size of the fingerprints making them a lot more enlarged then normal size which makes them more interesting.

I decided then to recreate some of these fingerprint designs in a range of different mediums. 

  I cut this design into a piece of MDF wood and intend on printing it next time I go to the print workshop.

These fingerprints are created using cardboard. I carefully peeled back each individual layer of the cardboard to expose what was underneath and to create different textures in the designs.

I think these are very effective as the it creates a dramatised effect on a plain fingerprint

I think fingerprints has the capability to be very interesting in my project so I'm going to experiment with other materials and see what I come up with :)

- Sinéad

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