Monday 30 January 2012

Fashion :)

So.. for the next two weeks i'm doing my fashion elective which i'm super excited about :) The aim of this brief is to look at different shapes. To do this we had to choose a theme.. so i picked water/sea life because I think there is alot of interesting shapes in this theme. these are a couple of my research images...

We started of by doing analytical drawings of our researched images in our sketchbook. These are some of them...

When we were happy with our drawings we started to pull shapes from our sketches using tracing paper to get them exact. I pulled shapes by concentrating on the positive shape, the negative shape, the light areas and dark areas. After pulling shapes from a selection of sketches I ended up with loads of shapes which we had to then narrow down to two final shapes that we'd work with for the next wo weeks. The two shapes i decided on were these...

The images above the shapes are the images i pulled these shapes from. I decided on these two shapes because i like the contrast between the straight long narrow one and the round wide one. I think these two shapes will result very interesting designs :)


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