Monday, 21 May 2012

Finshed Garment

So finally my shoulder piece is complete :)

 - Sinéad

I constructed my garment out of leatherette as it gives a nice solid structure to the garment. My colour scheme is simply black and white.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Silhouette Sculpture Complete...

Here's some photos of my finished sculpture... I'm planning on pulling some shapes from these sculpture photos.

I think the shapes i pull from the photos are going to be both geometric shapes from the buildings and very natural shapes from the trees.

I think this sculpture gives me a good contrast of geometric and natural shapes.


Thursday, 3 May 2012

Shadows of my sculpture...

So before my silhouette sculpture is finished I decided to mess around with the ideas of light and shadows.

I added trees into the silhouette to add more designs. I think the trees make cool shapes to pull shapes from.

This is the first step of my sculpture and I think it turned out as a success. My sculpture has alot of photography included in it.


Tuesday, 1 May 2012


1. Silhouette - For this board I picked silhouette pictures that all have the same tones of grey in them. I picked an Alexander McQueen design as alot of his garments change the silhouette of the human figure. This is my favourite board out of the three of them and I think this will be the theme i go with for my project.

2. Acidic- For this board I bleached back paper for the background to give of an acidic feel. I picked the topshop garment as i think it fits in with my mood board the best.

3. Slippy- For this board I mixed blue and black latex  and poured them down a sheet of white paper to give off the idea of slipping. My swatch is blue fabric dipped in wax, when it dried I crumpled it into a ball, i then poured layers of wax on the swatch.


Saturday, 21 April 2012

Slippery Garment

I have 2 slippery garments to pick from.. one high fashion garment... and the other a very un fashionable garment...

Wetsuits - An obvious one..

Gareth Pugh
I picked this garment as Pugh uses shiny slippery leather and the design on the body of the dress reminds me of the scales I was researching earlier this week.


Friday, 20 April 2012

Silhouette Garment

Here's my research on silhouette garments...

Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen
Autumn/Winter 1997/1998

Alexander McQueen

Zoe Bradly

Zoe Bradly


Acidic Garment

So I was researching a garment that fits in with my theme and these are the ones I came across...

American Retro
Bleach Dress

Hussein Chalayan
 Spring/Summer 2007
 Bubble Dress

Karen Walker
Spring/Summer 2011
Tye Dye Dress

Mary Meyer
Bleach Dress

Spring/Summer 2011

Viktor & Rolf
Spring/Summer 2010

I'm still not sure which one to use for my acidic mood board but at least I have a few to choose from and see which one fits in the best.

- Sinéad


Here are some of my sample swatches for my mood boards. I'm gonna put 2 or 3 together to make my final swatch.

Acidic - Bleached Black fabric

Acidic - Bleach fabric , random patterns have little control over the bleach.

Acidic - Bleach crepe paper.. dissolves as the bleach weakens the paper.

Acidic - Wax on fabric 

Acidic - Burnt fabric

Acidic - Burnt netting over black plastic

Acidic - Burning fabric that has a high content of plastic... melts more then it burns.

Silhouette - Black fabric on netting to resemble silhouettes

Silhouette - of skyline

Silhouette - just illustrating the outlines of silhouettes

Slippery - Blue material dipped in wax.. once dried I crunched it to resemble breaking of glass.

Slippery - White fabric dipped in wax and wax broken to resemble ice

Slippery - Layers of wax on fabric to resemble spilling

Slippery -Layers of wax from the side

Slippery - To resemble fish scales. put fabric over wire mesh and rubbed charcoal over it to resemble this pattern.
